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Tech Tip: Utility Method to Replace Text from Write Pro Area
PRODUCT: 4D Write Pro | VERSION: 19 | PLATFORM: Mac & Win
Published On: April 10, 2023

The utility method wpReplaceText() is used to replace a text from the body of a Write Pro Area.

#DECLARE($param_o : Object)

var $userSel : Object
var $options : Integer
var $target : Object
var $ranges : Collection

If (Count parameters=1)

  Case of
    : ($param_o.wpObject=Null)
    : ($param_o.wpAreaName=Null)
    : ($param_o.oldText=Null)
    : ($param_o.newText=Null)
    : ($param_o.onlyFirstInstance=Null)
      $target:=WP Get body($param_o.wpObject)
      $options:=wk case insensitive+wk diacritic insensitive
      $userSel:=WP Selection range(*; $param_o.wpAreaName)

      If ($param_o.onlyFirstInstance)
        // True replaces first instance
        var $start; $pos : Integer
        var $text : Text
        var $wpRange_o : Object

        $text:=WP Get text($param_o.wpObject)
        $wpRange_o:=WP Text range($userSel; wk start text; wk start text)
        $pos:=Position($param_o.oldText; $text; $start)
        If ($pos>0)
          $wpRange_o:=WP Text range($userSel; $pos; $pos+Length($param_o.oldText))
          WP SET TEXT($wpRange_o; $param_o.newText; wk replace)
        End if

        // False replaces all instances
        $ranges:=WP Find all($target; $param_o.oldText; $options; $param_o.newText)
      End if

    End case
End if

$param_o:=New object


Since True is passed, only the first instance of "first" is replaced in the body of the Write Pro Area with "second".
Similarly, the following example will replace all instances of "first" with "second".

$param_o:=New object
