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Tech Tip: Breakpoints do not transfer when copying a project database from one machine to another
Published On: September 19, 2023

You may find yourself in the following situation: you save a good number of breakpoints in a project database and transfer the database folder to another machine; however, upon opening the database on the second machine, you find that the breakpoints you initally saved are gone.

In project databases, breakpoints are saved in their own file called breakpoints.json, under the database's userPreferences.[username] folder. When a database folder is transferred from one machine to another, 4D will generate another user preferences folder with default settings on the secondary machine (i.e., it does not contain the breakpoints saved on the initial machine). Because 4D chooses user preferences folders based on the name of the currently logged-in OS user, 4D would opt for the newly generated folder; thus, the breakpoints are not displayed on the new machine.

As a workaround, close the database, copy the breakpoints.json file from the old user preferences folder, paste it into the newly generated one on the second machine, and reopen the database to review the changes.