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Tech Tip: Qodly vs Qodly Studio for 4D
PRODUCT: Qodly Studio | VERSION: 20R2 | PLATFORM: Mac & Win
Published On: December 4, 2023

Qodly is a new product released by the 4D team that is independent of 4D. However, since the product was created by the 4D team, it was determined that some of the feature sets could be ported over to 4D because they utilize similar architectures. It can be confusing at first, but the distinction used are 'Qodly' for the cloud based product and 'Qodly Studio for 4D' for the feature set added to 4Dv20R2+.

Qodly is the full product available as a cloud based service from The entire product is accessible from a web browser and the deployed solution will be a cloud hosted web application.

The feature set from Qodly that is ported over to 4D is the development studio called Qodly Studio. This will allow 4D to run the development studio that is similar to the one on, to build and develop a web application that is an extension/addition to the 4D database it is built with. The differences in the development studio are that Qodly Studio for 4D has some features that allows it to access and easily add items that are already created in the 4D database. 4D items such as tables, fields, classes, and methods are available in Qodly Studio for 4D.

It is important to be aware that 'Qodly Studio for 4D' is not 'Qodly' and vice versa. It is not intended for 4D databases to be able to be converted into a 'Qodly' web application or have web applications developed on 'Qodly' be able to convert to a 4D database into 'Qodly Studio for 4D' with a simple click. 'Qodly Studio for 4D' is intended to allow developers to expand 4D databases into a web application while 'Qodly' is a cloud based product intended for brand new stand alone web applications hosted on the cloud.