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Tech Tip: Monitoring license consumption
Published On: December 4, 2023

When managing a server with multiple client connections, the “Users” tabs on the Server Administration is useful for monitoring the users that connect to the server and consume client licenses. More detailed information about the client license usage can be obtained by using the command Get license usage. This command will give additional information such as the license product name, reason for usage, and the product’s total number of retained licenses for all servers running on the machine. Additionally, diagnostic logs can be activated to monitor license usage by first calling the following:

SET DATABASE PARAMETER (diagnostic log recording; 1)

Then, the log level can be set by calling the following:

SET DATABASE PARAMETER (diagnostic log levellog info)

After the log level is set to filter the information, the diagnostic logs can be inspected to view details of when client licenses were retained or released. This information will usually be tagged with “[LICUSAGE] INFO” in the logs. To filter the logs for only errors related to disconnections and license issues, replace log info with log error in the previous call.