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Tech Tip: Error: Retyping the array [variable] from array of type [data type] to array of [data type]
Published On: March 19, 2024

When compiling your database, you may come across the following compilation error or something similar, when running the Generate Typing function in the Compiler window:

In general, the error message entails that you are attempting to retype either a process or interprocess variable from one data type to another. This error occurs because the variable in question has been changed to a data type that is different from what is stated in the compiler methods (found under Project Methods in the Explorer window).

To formally find which compiler method contains the broken variable, you can run a reference search on the entire database with the name of the variable.

There are two ways to go about resolving this error:

  1. Change the variable data type back to what is stated in the compiler method. This is done within the method where the variable was declared. Make sure that the information matches what is stated in the compiler method.

  2. Change the compiler method definition to match the change in data type. This is done within the compiler method itself. You must ensure the variable resides in the correct compiler methods (e.g., arrays belong in their own compiler method, interprocess and process variables have separate compiler methods, etc.)