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Tech Tip: Repairs Not Fixing Datafile Errors
Published On: June 3, 2024

A suggested practice is to perform an MSC Verify on the database every once in a while to make sure there are no anomalies. There could be some other reasons to perform an MSC Verify such as checking the files after a crash.

When verifying there may be some errors reported on some tables. The recommended suggestion to recover is to restore and integrate from a backup. However, there can be some scenarios where this is not possible. As such a repair can be attempted.

If multiple repairs are performed on the data file to address some table errors and the same errors keep being reported, the issue may actually be an issue with the internal tables related to the structure.

A typically seen table that experiences an issue is the Resources table. The error may also report that this table is part of the InternalDatabase.

In this case, the solution is to repair the structure. If the structure is built compiled or a built application, a new copy should be used or the database needs to be rebuilt.