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Tech Tip: Setting up a default user for remote client connections
Published On: December 30, 2024

Having a default user is helpful in the case where an application requires multiple types of user and groups, but you would wish for most users to be given default access without having to go through the login prompt.

To set it up, first assign a password to the “Designer” user under Toolbox > Users. Without this step, the following instructions will not work as planned. Then, create a new user with whatever plug-in permissions you wish a default user to be granted. Afterwards, navigate to Settings > Security > Remote Users Access, and select the new user from the drop down menu for default users.

Now, when a client connects remotely to the server, they will be immediately assigned to the default user. This can be changed by running the CHANGE CURRENT USER command to bring up the user select dialog window, or to change the user directly in the command’s parameters.

Please note that if you assign the default user access to a plugin that requires a license to use, it will take up that license once they are connected, so keep track of which users and groups hold the correct permissions.