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Tech Tip: Installing EDM into an Existing Application
Published On: December 1, 2000

At the present time, the Enterprise Data Module (EDM) is shipped as an integral part of DataGrid, a 4D application. If you are starting a new project and you want to use EDM, a fresh copy of the DataGrid application is a good place to start. It will probably be easier to at a later point in time delete the unwanted elements from the structure.
However, if you need to add EDM to an existing 4D application, here are some steps for you to follow.
Steps for Installing EDM

1. Launch 4D Insider
2. Under the File Menu, choose "Preferences->Moving"
3. Scroll down; "If a method does not exist->Copy the Object"
4. Scroll down, "If a table does not exist->Copy the Object"
5. Scroll down, "If a form with the same name does not exist->Copy the Object"
6. Scroll down, "If a picture with the same number does not exist->Copy the Object"
7. Open your new "target" application from within 4D Insider
8. Open DataGrid from within 4D Insider
9. In the DataGrid window, search for objects with names containing "EDM_"
10. Select all those objects, drop them onto your "target" application

Repeat steps 9 and 10, but replace "EDM" in your search string with:
* = Optional, not required for EDM

11. Manually copy the forms for the tables whose modules you copy (EDM, DLG, GRD, etc). Some forms will not copy "automatically" because they are "bad" - they do not use the naming convention (do not have a module prefix).

Steps for installing the required 4DK# Resources
You can use ResEdit on the Mac to copy all the 4DK# resources from the DataGrid file to your 4D structure file. However, if you have Windows, then you will have to follow these steps. Before you do this, you must have moved the "KON" module to the target application.

1. Launch DataGrid.
2. Go to User Environment
3. Choose "KON_Konstants" table
4. Export all records from that table to a text file
5. Quit DataGrid
6. Launch your application that has had the KON module moved with 4D Insider
7. Go to the User Environment
8. Choose the KON_Konstants table
9. Import the records you exported in step 4
10. From the "Special" menu, Execute "KON_Generate4DK"

You will need to re-launch your 4D structure file to see the Konstants.

That's it, EDM should now have been moved into your application.


It would be nice if at this point, everything "just worked." It will likely take some time to integrate EDM with your application. To start with, you will need to add the APP_InitProcess to your own "process initialization" code. If your application doesn't have a common method for initializing a new process, you will need to place a call to APP_InitProcess at the beginning of every process that will be using any of the DataGrid modules you have copied.

DataGrid/EDM is available for download by members of the 4D Partner Program in Partner Central (June, July, August and September 2000 Tech Notes series (requires password)).